Lastmaking Courses

- Taking measures. Drawing the outline of the foot and the detail needed.
- A breakdown of how to analyse and interpret the measurements taken in to a wooden shoe last. This will enable better results in fittings and the ability to better troubleshoot any fitting issues.
- This will include pitch, toe spring, back curve and toe shape.
- An introduction to Lastmaking tools and their use including the last makers vice.
- At the end of the course each participant will take home a pair of bespoke wooden shoe lasts.
- There will be an opportunity to purchase a set of tools and lastmaking vices.
This course is an introduction into the craft of last making held over a 4-day period.
Each participant has the opportunity of producing their own pair of wooden shoe lasts that they can take home at the end of the course. Last making is highly skilled and physically demanding. Help will be given from the tutor where necessary. However, in this time, it is not possible to train participants to become commercial last makers which takes a number of years of concentrated study.
Courses are taught by Steven Lowe, with 40+ years in the trade, trained at John Lobb Ltd, London as a Master Fitter and Lastmaker and traveled extensively in the USA for 21 years, measuring clients, making their lasts and fitting bespoke orders. Overseeing all aspects of the process of shoemaking for quality control. Establishing Crispinians Ltd in 2012 a Shoe Last and Tree Making company. Now offering to pass on skills and knowledge.
Steven has actively held and spoken at conferences and presentations to keep the traditions of the trade from becoming diluted or lost both in the U.K and abroad.
Available Courses are:
Shoe Last 1"/25mm Heel Height - 4 Day group course
For those interested in a measuring only and not wishing to take the full 4 Day Last Making course there is a 1 day Foot Measuring Course. This will be open as a group day once arranged and any date arranged will be posted.
Foot measuring is included in the standard courses as well as the breakdown of the measures which is covered throughout the 4 days.
There are usually approximately 10 Courses staged through out a calendar year running from mid/end February through Early November. For group dates available, see the upcoming courses dates opposite. Also by arrangement if specific dates are required for groups. These will be open as a posted group day once arranged to enable full participation. The measuring procedure is not with bare feet. Please have your normal socks to wear with you.
A blank pair of lasts are pre turned to rough size for each person attending the course.
All listed courses are in Eastbourne unless otherwise stated. Depending on Numbers participating there will be 1 or 2 tutors.
Please see the "Book a course" section above for the latest pricing.
These courses are over the days stated, 9.00am to 5.30pm. Due to the nature of the hand work and depending on progress, times are subject to change.
Payment will confirm booking preferably 6 weeks prior to the course start date.
If you are unable to attend it is possible to rebook on another course date providing 6 weeks notice is given.
If you have any questions please contact us.
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